Yuma Sogo

Yuma Sogo is an AI artist known for his captivating portraits of an Asian man named "Sogo." Using multiple panels to convey a story, Yuma's work is a beautiful example of "art within art," where each panel can be appreciated as an individual work of art but also contributes to a larger narrative.

With the help of artificial intelligence, Yuma pushes the boundaries of traditional portraiture to create a unique and thought-provoking body of work. His portraits offer a glimpse into intricate worlds, where perspectives intertwine, and stories unfold.

Yuma's work has been exhibited in prestigious locations such as New York City, Rome, and China, and his recent collection titled "The Joy of Living" can be found on platforms such as Objkt and Foundation.

Through his art, Yuma celebrates the beauty of existence and finds profound meaning in everyday moments. Each artwork is a visual symphony, capturing the essence of joy, connection, and the intricate tapestry of human emotions.




Graffiti On Grave