Venere Gallery is a digital NFT art gallery that was born in Italy from the idea of Davide Beccalossi, an automation engineer passionate about blockchain and active in the world of cryptocurrencies since 2017, and Simone Galli, a digital marketing expert with a great passion for NFTs and active in the world of cryptocurrencies since 2020.

Our goal is to merge traditional art with digital art, providing young artists with the tools necessary to enter the world of web3 and transform their physical works into digital ones.

We believe that Italy can become a reference point for a new renaissance of art, and we believe that our contribution can be a step in this direction.

In fact, we offer our artists our support and help them take their first steps into the world of digital art, convinced that this can represent a great opportunity for them to reach an ever-wider and international audience.

Together, we have decided to found Venere Gallery to offer digital artists the opportunity to showcase their works to an ever-widening audience.