Julien Pacaud

Julien Pacaud is a renowed digital collage artist and illustrator, born in 1972, living and working in Paris, France. Self-taught artist, he began experimenting with digital collage in the early 2000s after studying cinema at the École Louis Lumière. In parallel to his personal creations, he has also been working as an illustrator for the press, publishing, advertising and the music industry.

Favoring instinct and daydreaming, Julien Pacaud composes surrealist digital collages from old photos patiently collected, then manipulated and assembled. The software replaces the scissors and the glue, and brings him other possibilities to organize the chaos. His images are as many opportunities to dive into a parallel universe (or "perpendicular dream") in which the past and the future, the improbable and the impossible, the intimate and the cosmic collide.

Vintage found photos have always been key elements in his creations, but in 2022 he is now experimenting with Artificial Intelligence, generating various elements that he then uses to compose his collage artworks.

As he is stating about this new way of working: "These images bring the unexpected in the process and make me lose a bit of control. But then, it is like playing against artificial intelligence, using human sensitivity to reorganize the digital chaos."


Jacob Elliott Carson


Alberto Ballocca