Alberto Ballocca

Alberto Ballocca is an Italian based artist whose background is linked to sensitive factors. His breakthrough into the artistic sphere was initially influenced by deep emotions and urgency.

Alberto does not remember a particular episode that led him to artistic creation, but that he “simply” went with his gut. He says he let himself go when composing elements, always playing and mixing different mediums on different supports or sculpting a specific element or subject. This resulted in a game of creative self-construction which always leads to a strong and balanced representation within his unique ancient-inspired style.

“I'm passionate about ancient cultures and I sublimate my energies within a neo-metaphysical dimension, always aimed to bring the truth to the light in a world in continuous evolution. I quitted my regular job in 2018 and started to achieve sales and great feedback from the art world, discovering quickly my inner-most vocation.”


Julien Pacaud

