
This is F. Borousan aka Vertigo. As a child in the middle world, I was interested in comics and science fiction, as I grew older, I became fascinated with classical arts and modern art, especially surrealism.

I have always been interested in surreal contexts and was influenced by surreal art, music, and movies and spent a lot of time collecting and analyzing this style. While looking at my favorite artist's works one night, I thought, why not create? That night, Vertigo was born, a persona who is extremely different from me! I've never been the one to make conversation, or attend events happily but he is active and social, maybe because he doesn't exist!

Creating is an important part of my daily life because each work comes from my observations in life, dreams, memories, experiences, and love. There is much more to say, and I would like to create and share much more with you. So, in each work I try to connect with the viewer and convey an emotion, thought or fear, etc.

I use NFT as a way to serve my purpose in life, which is to become immortal through my art, and I will not stop until that moment arrives or my life catches up with me sooner. I hope that one day in the future someone who did not know me will find my works on the blockchain and know that a human being, an artist who lived, loved, and breathed to create a new world.
I have shared the story of my activity in the field of NFTs and you can visit my works to learn more about me.
If you have a commission or order, please feel free to contact me.



